Seeing the Beauty in Everything

Where are we shooting?

I get this question with every session booked. When I say an old barn, the fence of a dying garden, the backyard, or the corner lot next to the highway. I always get the same look when we arrive.... the " is she going to murder us here" look. I can't help but laugh because my clients have no idea about the thoughts running through my mind and the many AMAZING shots we are going to get at this spot!

The mind of a photographer is a crazy place and we see things that you don't! When I am booking your session, I have in my mind the images we will get from it and find the perfect place for us to do your session. Would you believe me if I told you the image below is a rundown lot next to the on ramp for the highway?

No doubt, when we pulled in, they look around and thought.....Um, there is a bunch of weeds and nothing pretty. When I choose your session location, I look for multiple things. How does the sun hit the field, location of the trees, length and color of the grass, and how bad the sunspots are. These are just a few of the things I look for. There is actually beauty in every corner of the world, you just have to open your eyes and look beyond it. Next time you go somewhere, or even when you are outside playing in the yard, I encourage you to look around and see the beauty in the little things. The tree that is crooked or falling over, the broken fence that you have in the garden or the pile of weeds in the middle of the yard that is growing little flowers! Open your eyes, our world is a beautiful thing.

Run down empty lot next to the sewage drain in the neighborhood.

Dirt bike riding trail entrance.

Broken fence entrance into a garden in the back yard!